quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009

I swear

Well, I'm to learn English, and I love my classes because I love this language. Sometimes I speak English alone, things of my imagination. I look into me and speak words that I yet don't know your significates. But, the life is a discovery of yourself, and is very funny to learn about myself. I want to make many things before die. I don't afraid of die. Just don't want that her came to leave me. Not yet. I think that I have many specials things to realize. I want to do things cool and crazy. I need to deliver my heart to a man. Ops, maybe I do. rsrs :)

Laryssa Galdino

4 comentários:

Ju disse...

Oi, eu adoro a língua inglesa, e, como você está aprendendo, eu resolvi corrigir uns errinhos que encontrei:

Well, I’m learning English, and I love my classes because I love this language. Sometimes I speak English by myself, things from my imagination. I look at myself and speak the words that I still don’t understand. But life is a self discovery and it’s very funny to learn about myself. I want to make many things before I die. I don’t have afraid of dying. Just don’t want it to come looking for me. Not yet. I think I have many special things to accomplish. I want to do cool and crazy things. I need to give my heart to a man. Oops, maybe I did already (Se eu entendi corretamente, esse “oops, maybe I already did” é se você estiver querendo dizer: “Ops, talvez eu já tenha dado”).

Abraços e boa sorte com as aulas.

Ju disse...

Ah, esqueci:

Ao invés de "I don't have afraid of dying" era para eu ter colocado: "I have not afraid of death" ou "I'm not afraid of dying"

Hugo Marques disse...

My loveeeee, i loved your english post. Let´s do a lot of cools and crazy things.


Laryssa disse...

Jú olá, obrigada pela correção hahahahha mas quem eh vc?! hahahah manda teu e-mail :D =******

vc tem blog tb? hahahah :D

ps.: amooooor :) I miss you so much.